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Product Detail

    Scrapper Pig Trap


    LS Engineering design, procure and manufacture a range of pressure vessels and pipeline pigging equipment used subsea, offshore and onshore. These include:

    § Launchers and Receivers

    § Sphere and Bar Tees

    § Pig Handling Equipment

    § Launcher and Receiver Skids

    We design, fabricate and test pig launchers / receivers and associated pressure vessels. Launchers and receivers form the biggest part of the supply, from simple lay down heads to skid mounted packages complete with ancillary equipment such as valves, instrument control panels and pig/sphere control fingers/flaps for automatic launching, closures, pig signallers, tees and pipe work. Launchers and receivers can be fitted with GD, Tube Turn or PE Closure.

    Products are available as one-off stand alone or skid mounted packaged units that include a range of equipment such as actuated valves, instrumentation, pig signallers, control systems.


    Industry Standards

    § Vessels Code Stamped ASME Section VIII

    § Piping Designed to ASME/ANSI B31.3 / B31.4 / B31.8

    § Pipe Fabrication to ASME Section IX

    § ATEX explosion proof suitable for operation in Zone 1 / 2


    Standard Features

    § Type of Pig Traps: - Horizontal / Vertical

    § Type of Closure: - Bandlock / Yoke Style / Threaded Closure

    § Class rating from 150 ~ 2500Lbs


    Valve Mounted &

    Optional Features

    § Pipeline Cleaning Products Pigging Pig

    § Type of Pig Signallers -Intrusive type like

    Boss Mounted & Flange Mounted

    § Skid Mounted Pig Trap

    § Sphere Launchers and Receivers

    § Sphere Release Mechanisms

    § Ancillary Facilities

    § Safety and Interlock Systems

    § Complete Factory Performance Test